Volunteer Information
- Adult volunteers must be at least 18 years old.
- All Volunteers must complete a Volunteer Application
- Volunteers working with youth must complete a Volunteer Application, supply 3 non-related references, pass a background check, and complete the online training, Georgia 4-H: Working with Youth & Managing Risk.
- Volunteer drivers must pass a Motor Vehicle screening (included in the volunteer application).
Categories of Volunteers:
See full description in the UGA Extension Volunteer Policy Overview
General Volunteer
Screened Volunteer
Screened Volunteer Working with Youth
Coaching Requirement for Competition:
In all cases, coaches (both paid staff and volunteer) are required to complete training in order for the county to field a team for competition. Each counties' Cotton Boll and Consumer Judging, Forestry Field Day, Poultry Judging, and Wildlife Judging is required to be coached by a certified coach. Coaches may enlist additional leaders to assist with instruction and may coach more than one county team. 4-H Coach's Certification is obtained by completing the Georgia 4-H Certified Judging Coach's training for the specific event.
Each S.A.F.E. team in each discipline (archery, pistol, B.B, rifle, and shotgun) is required to be coached by a certified paid staff or volunteer coach. If a meeting, practice or S.A.F.E. event is held a certified coach in that discipline is required to be in attendance along with screened volunteers for assistance. Certification is obtained by completing the Georgia 4-H Certified S.A.F.E. Coach's Training in that discipline. Visit our Shooting Sports page to see S.A.F.E. coaching requirements and trainings.
From serving as a chaperone at 4-H Summer camp to leading a special interest team, 4-H offers a variety of opportunities for volunteer service in youth development programming.
We hope you will share your TIME and TALENTS in building our next generation of leaders.