Volunteering with Laurens County 4-H

Volunteer Information and Documents
Volunteer Leaders are the backbone of the 4-H program. With the diverse program that is offered by Georgia 4-H, there is no way that the staff of the UGA Extension office can plan, carry out, and chaperone every 4-H event that is offered. That’s why it is crucial that we have good volunteers who are willing to step up and take a leadership role in the 4-H program.
4-H volunteers must meet certain criteria in order to be eligible to serve. The local 4-H office must have a 4-H Volunteer Leader Application and a 4-H Volunteer Leader Agreement on file in order for a person to be considered for a volunteer position. This application asks for three references. These three references must be contacted by the Extension staff to check that person’s character. They must also undergo a screening interview. The University of Georgia requires all volunteers to undergo a background check. All of this must be done in order to clear a person to help with an activity. Additionally, a volunteer must also go through a training course offered by the local Extension office. Effective February 1, 2014, all Certified Chaperones must also complete the Georgia 4-H Risk Management Training online and score 100% on their responses to remain in service as a chaperone. A copy of the results must be printed, signed, and turned in to the Extension office to be added to the volunteer's file.
Please don’t wait until the last minute and miss out on your chance to serve as a volunteer with Laurens County 4-H! Sign up today to become a volunteer!
View our volunteer letter from our 4-H Agent