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UGA Extension Office

Gardens & Landscapes

Extension Publications

Georgia Homegrown Tomatoes
Georgia Homegrown Tomatoes (B 1271) This publication discusses the basics of growing tomatoes successfully, as well as avoiding common problems encountered by the home gardener.
Home Garden Plums
Home Garden Plums (B 1518) This bulletin offers information about plum production, pruning, thinning, fertilization, and variety selection in the home garden. Plums belong to the Prunus genus and consists of many species of different origins and diverse fruit types. Most commercially grown varieties are derived from either Japanese or Asian plums (P. salicina and its interspecific hybrids) or European plums (P. domestica). Japanese plums are primarily for fresh consumption, while European plums are for both processing and fresh consumption. The products obtained from processing plums include prunes (dried fruit, the predominant product), canned fruit, jam, jelly, juice, and beverages.
Home Gardening
Home Gardening (B 577) This publication explains everything you need to know about growing a successful home vegetable or herb garden, including location and planning, soil preparation, choosing what to plant and how to tend it, fertilizer, weed control, mulching and composting, watering, pollination, disease and insect control, harvesting, and freezing, canning and preserving.
Home Garden Bunch Grapes
Home Garden Bunch Grapes (B 807) Bunch grapes are often called “pod” grapes in rural Georgia since they produce large clusters of fruit. Georgia's climate is not well-suited to home garden production of European bunch grapes, but American bunch grapes and hybrids between the two species (French hybrids) grow well in Georgia. If grapes are well cared for and sprayed when diseases and insects threaten, you can expect yields of 20 to 30 pounds of fruit per vine.
Home Garden Peppers (C 1005) The rich, full flavor and freshness of a home-grown pepper just picked from the bush are the gardener's reward for growing their own peppers. Fortunately, the most popular pepper varieties are easy to grow as long as you understand and follow a few basic gardening principles.
Home Garden Green Beans (C 1006) Green beans are one of the most popular vegetables for the home garden. Fortunately, they are easy to grow as well. This short publication provides basic information on growing green beans in the home vegetable garden.
Home Garden Potatoes (C 1011) This publication discusses selecting the right types of potatoes, proper planting, maintenance and troubleshooting problems.
Home Garden Sweet Potatoes (C 1014) Georgia is the perfect place to grow sweet potatoes (Ipomea atatas). Sweet potatoes are considered a long season crop and Georgia's long, hot summers allow them to grow and mature well here. You might consider adding sweet potatoes to the crops you plan on growing in your garden. This publication contains concise information about growing sweet potatoes in the home garden.
Home Garden Lettuce (C 1018) Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) is a cool-season vegetable that can be planted in early fall or early spring in Georgia. This publication discusses growing lettuce in the home garden.
Home Garden Broccoli (C 1022) Broccoli is a cool-weather vegetable that can easily be grown in the garden in early spring or fall. Broccoli belongs to the Brassica family. Research shows that plants from this family are extremely healthy to consume and have the potential to reduce certain types of cancer. This publication describes the basics for growing broccoli in the home garden, from starting the plants from seeds to cooking and storage.
Home Garden Cauliflower (C 1023) Cauliflower is a cool season vegetable that belongs to the Brassicaceae family, and is sometimes considered one of the more difficult vegetables to grow in the home garden. For those gardeners who have a little patience, cauliflower can be an interesting and rewarding crop to grow. Gardeners can now select varieties of cauliflower that range in color from the traditional white to a deep purple. This publication describes how to grow cauliflower in the home garden, from starting plants from seeds to insect and disease control.
Home Garden Asparagus
Home Garden Asparagus (C 1026) For gardeners who are willing to put in a little effort and have some patience, asparagus can be a rewarding and delicious vegetable to grow. This publication explains how to grow asparagus in a home vegetable garden.
Home Garden Eggplant (C 1028) Eggplant (Solanum melongena) was introduced into the United States by Thomas Jefferson, who brought this heat-loving member of the Solanaceus family from Europe. While the original eggplants actually looked white, similar to chicken eggs, they now come in many shapes, sizes and colors. Eggplant can be grown in all Georgia gardens, and with some care, the harvest can be quite prolific. They can also be grown in containers for their ornamental and decorative features. This publication contains information on growing eggplant in the home garden.
Growing Cucumbers in the Home Garden
Growing Cucumbers in the Home Garden (C 1034) Cucumbers are one of the most popular crops in today's home garden. This publication helps you to select the varieties to suit your needs.
Home Garden Watermelon
Home Garden Watermelon (C 1035) This publication discusses growing watermelon in the home garden, including transplanting, starting seeds, soil preparation, culture and fertilization, harvesting, storage and use, and problems. It also includes a list of recommended varieties for Georgia.
Home Garden Swiss Chard (C 1039) This publication briefly explains how to grow Swiss chard in the home garden, including soil preparation, planting, culture and fertilization, harvesting, storing and using, problems and a list of suggested varieties.
Using Cover Crops in the Home Garden (C 1057) Cover crops can be an important component to any home garden. They are used for various reasons, including building the soil, controlling soil erosion, and limiting the initiation and spread of certain diseases and insects in the soil. This publication is designed for homeowner and Master Gardener audiences and discusses the benefits, selection, planting and use of cover crops in the home garden.
Home Garden Peaches (C 1063) Growing peaches and other fruit trees in Georgia and the southeastern United States is challenging. Peaches are not native to North America; however, many cultivars have been developed for our area, and Georgia has a long history of successful peach production. One must choose the site and the proper cultivar and provide care throughout the year to be successful. This publication includes information for peaches on site selection and preparation, planting, fertilizing, insects, diseases, and harvesting. Recommended varieties for Georgia are also listed.
Home Garden Brussels Sprouts (C 1069) Brussels sprouts belong to the cole crop family, which includes cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and several leafy greens. The name Brussels comes from the city Brussels, Belgium, where the vegetable first became popular. Brussels sprouts are a cool season vegetable that can be grown both in the fall and early spring. This publication explains the basics on how to grow Brussels sprouts in the home garden. It covers soil preparation, planting, and maintenance, as well as controlling pest problems.
Heirloom Vegetables in the Home Garden
Heirloom Vegetables in the Home Garden (C 1302) This publication discusses heirloom vegetable choices and some of the common issues that growers may encounter when growing heirloom vegetables in a home garden setting. Additional author: Whitney Richardson, University of Georgia Center for Urban Agriculture, with technical assistance from Makenzie English, University of Georgia Department of Horticulture Program Assistant.
Best Garden Vegetable Varieties for Georgia
Best Garden Vegetable Varieties for Georgia (C 1326) This publication lists vegetable variety recommendations for the state of Georgia. Most of these varieties have been trialed and grown successfully in the state. These are not the only varieties that can grow well in Georgia but provide new gardeners with a starting point to increase their chances of success. Gardeners may need to search print catalogs and online to find the vegetables they are looking for, as local garden centers may not always carry the varieties listed here.
Home Garden Apples (C 740) Apples are adapted to most areas of Georgia. Although the northern half of the state is best suited for the more "conventional" apple varieties, you can have success in the southern half of Georgia with adapted varieties.
Home Garden Pears (C 742) Pears are adapted to nearly all of Georgia. It is not uncommon to find trees as much as 50 years old that are still producing fruit.
Home Garden Raspberries and Blackberries (C 766) Blackberries and raspberries are one of the most popular fruits to grow and they are among the easiest for the home gardener to successfully produce. Blackberries and raspberries come as erect types (no trellis required) and trailing types (trellis required), depending on the varieties selected. This publication discusses growing raspberries and blackberries in a home garden.
Home Garden Persimmons (C 784) Many of the numerous species of persimmon can be grown in Georgia. Our native persimmon, Diospyros virginiana, is found from Florida north to Connecticut, west to Iowa and south to Texas. This publication covers planting and growing requirements as well as fruiting, harvesting, and insect pest information.
Garlic Production for the Gardener (C 854) This publication gives gardeners tips to successfully produce garlic.
Disease Management in the Home Vegetable Garden
Disease Management in the Home Vegetable Garden (C 862) Plant diseases can be a significant problem in home gardens. Most vegetables are susceptible to a number of diseases. Home gardeners can reduce the occurrence of many diseases with sound cultural practices. This publication discusses managing diseases in the home vegetable garden.
Home Garden Strawberries (C 883) Strawberry beds need a small area that receives full sun most or all day to get started. Strawberries will grow well in many types of soil, but the most desirable soil is fertile, medium-light in texture, well drained and with good moisture-holding capacity.
Growing Home Garden Sweet Corn
Growing Home Garden Sweet Corn (C 905) Sweet corn is not difficult to grow and, by following the cultural guidelines provided in this publication, you too can enjoy this sweet delicacy.
Home Garden Okra (C 941) Okra is a Southern staple in the home garden and at the dinner table and can be grown throughout the state of Georgia. This vegetable is both easy and fun to grow and can be used in many different culinary dishes and for dried flower arrangements.
Growing Rutabagas in the Home Garden (C 942) Rutabagas are a cool-season root crop that can be produced in the spring or fall.
Vegetable Garden Calendar
Vegetable Garden Calendar (C 943) The recommendations in this circular are based on long-term average dates of the last killing frost in the spring and first killing frost in the fall. Every year does not conform to the "average," so you should use your own judgment about advancing or delaying the time for each job, depending on weather conditions.
Home Garden Figs
Home Garden Figs (C 945) Most people are fond of figs. They are tasty and can be eaten fresh, preserved, or used for baking and making desserts. Figs will do well in most parts of Georgia except the mountainous areas.
Home Garden Blueberries
Home Garden Blueberries (C 946) Under good management, the native Georgia rabbiteye blueberry bushes will produce some fruit the second or third year after transplanting. By the sixth year they will yield as much as 2 gallons each and continue to increase as the plants get larger.
Home Garden Muscadines
Home Garden Muscadines (C 949) Muscadines are truly a fruit for the south. Although muscadines can be grown successfully in most parts of the state, they are best adapted to the Piedmont and Coastal Plain areas.
Homegrown Summer and Winter Squash (C 993) Squash are very nutritious, have high fiber content and are high in vitamins A and C. Squash are not difficult to grow. This publication gives information on type selection, planting, harvesting and storage. It also gives you tips on the problems with insects and diseases you may encounter.

Upcoming Events

  • Feb 24 - Apr 4 Fayette County 4-H Towel Fundraiser Pre-Sale We are hosting a fundraiser to raise money for the Fayette County 4-H program! So get ready to dive into summer this year and purchase your towel today! They are only $20 and you can pick which towel design option you like! Please fill out the pre-order form on this website, below! Pre-sale ends: Friday, April 4th
    • Fayetteville, GA - (66.0 Miles)
  • Apr 1 Backyard Flock Interested in starting your own backyard flock, or to brush up on your knowledge for the birds you already have? Join us to hear Dr. Casey Ritz, University of Georgia Poultry specialist, as he goes over the basics of a backyard flock and what you need to know to be successful! Dinner will be provided by the Gordon County Young Farmers Association.
    • Calhoun, GA - (22.0 Miles)
  • Apr 2 Georgia Green Landscape Stewards Looking for a way to make your home landscape more sustainable? Join Forsyth County Extension staff for this spring offering of the Georgia Green Landscape Stewards program. You will learn about simple steps to support native wildlife, improve soil health, and protect water quality in your community. At the end of the series you will have the opportunity to certify your landscape as a Georgia Green Landscape!
    • Virtual Event