4-H Youth Development
What is 4-H?
4-H Mission:
The mission of Georgia 4-H is to assist youth in acquiring knowledge, developing life skills, and forming attitudes that will enable them to become self-directing, productive and contributing members of society. This mission is accomplished through “hands on” learning experiences focused on the following core values: Agriculture, Citizenship, Communication Skills, Environment, Family & Consumer Science, and Leadership.
4-H Motto:
To make the best better!
4-H Pledge:
I pledge my HEAD to clearer thinking
My HEART to greater loyalty
My HANDS to larger service,
and my HEALTH to better living
for my club, my community, my country and my World!
4-H Colors:
Green and White
4-H Vision:
A world in which youth and adults learn, grow and work together as a catalyst for positive change.