UGA Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between UGA CAES and UGA FACS.

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UGA Extension Office


UGA Extension Banks County links the resources of the University of Georgia and Banks County to provide educational programs, information, and assistance to the citizens of Banks County. UGA Extension Banks County helps the citizens of Banks County by addressing the following initiatives:

  • Family and Economic Well-Being
  • Conservation and Management of Natural Resources
  • Agriculture Programming and Research Opportunities
  • Improving Nutrition, Diet and Health
  • Revitalizing Rural America
  • Water Quality
  • Youth Leadership
  • 4-H Youth Development Program
  • Service Learning/Citizenship

If you'd like to learn about building a safer environment for your children or protecting the environment we all share, avoiding chronic diseases like diabetes with healthy food or training food handlers in your cafeteria, the University of Georgia Extension program is the place to start.

Learning More

Learning for Life is the goal of the department which, in turn, helps citizens make informed decisions with research based non-biased information. Just call 1-800-ASK-UGA1 (275-8421) from anywhere in Georgia. You'll be automatically connected to the UGA Extension office in that county.

UGA Extension Banks County
413 Evans Street
P.O. Box 157
Homer, GA 30547
Phone: (706) 677-6230
Fax: (706) 677-6233

Interested in a tax preparation appointment?

Use the links on the left hand side of the page to navigate to "Volunteer Income Tax Assistance".  You can also call our office at 706-677-230 or use the email submission form below!

Request a Tax Appointment

Staff Listing

Upcoming Events in Banks County and Beyond

  • Feb 24 - Apr 4 Fayette County 4-H Towel Fundraiser Pre-Sale We are hosting a fundraiser to raise money for the Fayette County 4-H program! So get ready to dive into summer this year and purchase your towel today! They are only $20 and you can pick which towel design option you like! Please fill out the pre-order form on this website, below! Pre-sale ends: Friday, April 4th
    • Fayetteville, GA - (85.0 Miles)
  • Mar 27 Gardening Lunch and Learn Series - What Garden Products to Have on Your Shelf Join us for our third session as we cover the different types of garden products you should have on your shelf to help you successfully manage your gardens and landscapes!
    • Hartwell, GA - (32.0 Miles)
  • Mar 28 Food Talk -Nutrition Education and Recipe Demo This is a FREE nutrition education course designed for adult learners. By attending a Food Talk Class, you'll learn from a nutrition educator how to eat more healthfully, feed your family on a budget, keep your food safe, and the best part.... you'll learn how to make a delicious new recipe and get to taste it! Class extenders are provided for each class that you attend. Please try to attend as many of the series of 6 classes as you can as the information and recipes are different in each class.
    • Ellijay, GA - (65.0 Miles)
  • Apr 2 Georgia Green Landscape Stewards Looking for a way to make your home landscape more sustainable? Join Forsyth County Extension staff for this spring offering of the Georgia Green Landscape Stewards program. You will learn about simple steps to support native wildlife, improve soil health, and protect water quality in your community. At the end of the series you will have the opportunity to certify your landscape as a Georgia Green Landscape!
    • Virtual Event
  • Apr 4 Food Talk -Nutrition Education and Recipe Demo This is a FREE nutrition education course designed for adult learners. By attending a Food Talk Class, you'll learn from a nutrition educator how to eat more healthfully, feed your family on a budget, keep your food safe, and the best part.... you'll learn how to make a delicious new recipe and get to taste it! Class extenders are provided for each class that you attend. Please try to attend as many of the series of 6 classes as you can as the information and recipes are different in each class.
    • Ellijay, GA - (65.0 Miles)
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