Our mission is to extend lifelong learning to Georgia citizens through unbiased, research-based education in agriculture, the environment, communities, youth and families.
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Extension Publications
Vegetable Garden Calendar (C 943) The recommendations in this circular are based on long-term average dates of the last killing frost in the spring and first killing frost in the fall. Every year does not conform to the "average," so you should use your own judgment about advancing or delaying the time for each job, depending on weather conditions.
Native Plants for Georgia Part I: Trees, Shrubs and Woody Vines (B 987) This publication focuses on native trees, shrubs and woody vines for Georgia. It is not our intent to describe all native species — just those available in the nursery trade and those that the authors feel have potential for nursery production and landscape use. Rare or endangered species are not described. Information on each plant is provided according to the following categories: Common Name(s)/Botanical Name/Family, Characteristics, Landscape Uses, Size, Zones and Habitat.
Time Management: 10 Strategies for Better Time Management (C 1042) Learn 10 strategies for better time management, including knowing how to spend your time, setting priorities, using planning tools, getting organized, scheduling, delegating, and avoiding procrastinating, wasting time, and multitasking.
Upcoming Events
Nov 6 - Nov 7 Cotton Boll & Consumer Judging - Tifton Cotton Boll and Consumer Judging is a competitive judging contest where 4-H’ers learn about cotton as an agriculture commodity in our state as well as to promote cotton through commercials or advertisements. 4-H’ers gain skills in making rational decisions when purchasing goods and services while maximizing resources.
- Tifton, GA - (52.0 Miles)
Dec 7 - Dec 8 Cloverleaf District Project Achievement (Grades 4 - 6) - Decatur County DPA Competition for Cloverleafs (Grades 4 - 6)
- Bainbridge, GA - (24.0 Miles)
Apr 22 - Apr 23 Georgia 4-H Area Poultry Judging Contest - Tifton 4-H Agricultue & Science event
- Tifton, GA - (52.0 Miles)