
Welcome to the New Tattnall County
Extension/4-H Office
The Tattnall County Extension Office is located at 114 North Main Street, Building F at the Tattnall Governmental Complex next to The Dollar Tree.
What is UGA Extension?
UGA extension operated through a unique partnership with Tattnall County, The Univeristy of Georgia, and the State of Georgia. UGA Extension was founded in 1914 to bring research-based information to the people of Georgia backed by specialists and a network of resources. Today, UGA Extension serves more than 2.6 million Georgians annually. From publications to in-person workshops and events. Extension is ready to meet the needs of the stae and its communities. UGA Extension is on the forefront of food safety, technology, research, and education; keeping Georgia's economy strong and making life better for Georgians.
Our mission is to extend lifelong learning to Georgia citizens through unbiased, research-based education in agriculture, the environment, communities, youth and families.
UGA Extension is a statewide educational organization funded by federal, state and local governments that brings research-based education directly to individuals, families and communities.
UGA Extension is dedicated to helping people find answers to questions related to agriculture, the environment, families and 4-H and youth.