UGA Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between UGA CAES and UGA FACS.

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UGA Extension provides educational and service-related programs for commercial poultry producers, allied industry representatives and small flock producers to enhance production and economic efficiencies while maintaining the state's competitive position in poultry production.

Broilers and eggs are Georgia's two largest agricultural commodities, making up nearly 40 percent of the state's production value. 

While per-capita chicken consumption has doubled since 1978, Georgia's production has tripled. Some of the factors that make chicken one of America's favorite foods are its nutritional and health advantages, price and economic value, expanding availability and endless variety of new, great-tasting and convenient ways to prepare chicken products.

Avian Influenza Information Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) is a contagious disease that causes high mortality in poultry such as chickens, turkeys, quail, etc. The virus is carried by wild waterfowl. If commercial or backyard birds get infected, sick birds can produce and shed vast numbers of virus particles that can spread to infect other poultry. The Georgia Department of Agriculture and the USDA are mandated to contain and eradicate HPAI. State and federal surveillance programs monitor for the occurrence of avian influenza in domestic poultry and wild birds on an ongoing basis.
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UGA-affiliated sites

UGA Department of Poultry Science The University of Georgia began offering specialized study in the poultry sciences even before creating the Department of Poultry Science in 1912. In the years since, many students have received degrees in poultry science.

Department of Poultry Science's Extension and Outreach Programs Provides educational and service-related programs for commercial poultry producers, allied industry representatives, county Extension personnel, and small flock producers to enhance production and economic efficiencies while maintaining the state's competitive position in poultry production.

Georgia's Nutrient Management Programs for Poultry Producers Comprehensive information on the development and implementation of nutrient management plans (NMPs) for poultry producers in Georgia.

Poultry Diagnostic and Research Center College of Veterinary Research unit involved with teaching, research, and service in poultry medicine.

Poultry Conferences and Workshops An overview of UGA poultry scientists' and biological and agricultural engineers' workshops for new and experienced broiler flock supervisors.

Poultry Tips Newsfeed and blog from the UGA Department of Poultry Science, as well as archived poultry tips from the past.

Poultry Housing Tips A wide variety of information related to poultry house environmental control and energy conservation.

Poultry House Emissions Human activities, including modern agriculture, contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. These publications, calculation tool and resources can help enhance your poultry house efficiency with minimal environmental impact.

Commodity Teams at CAES Teams made up of research scientists and extension specialists work together to provide the latest technology and information for efficient, profitable production of some of Georgia's most valuable commodities.

External websites

Georgia Poultry Laboratory Network Dedicated to supporting the poultry industry and other bird owners by providing health monitoring and veterinary diagnostic services specific to poultry.

We're Here To Help

Contact your local UGA Extension office to find out how our team of county agents can assist you.
Set County Preference
  • Hurricane Helene Impacts
    Hurricane Helene Impacts Hurricane Helene wrought sweeping devastation across Georgia’s agricultural sector in late September, leaving an indelible mark on both the land and the people who tend it. From battered cotton fields to flattened pecan orchards, the storm’s aftermath is bringing focus to vulnerabilities in Georgia’s farming industry and the need for more robust safety nets.
  • Helene Damage Assessment
    Helene Damage Assessment The preliminary estimate of Hurricane Helene’s economic impact on Georgia Agriculture is $6.46 billion.
  • First Flock Refresh
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