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There are as many different ideas about favorite crops, plants and flowers as there are farmers and gardeners, but everyone can agree on at least one thing: weeds are no fun! Whether they're crowding out your perennials or getting in the way of healthy forage, weeds present an ongoing challenge for anyone who wants to grow anything.

UGA Extension provides advice on controlling and preventing common weeds like crabgrass, pigweed, henbit, and chickweed to help commercial farmers and home gardeners have the most trouble-free growing seasons possible.

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UGA-affiliated sites

UGA Weed Science The weed science faculty and staff are committed to providing the information and resources you need to answer your weed control questions.

Sustainable Agriculture at UGA Brings together information on sustainable agriculture including weed management and other resources.

Forest Weed Control Weed control recommendations for forests.

Invasive and Exotic Plants Lists of noxious weeds in North America.

UGA Department of Crop and Soil Sciences Learn more about the crop and soil sciences department at the UGA College of Agricultural of Environmental Sciences.

Weed Management Information from Georgia Turf on weed management.


We're Here To Help

Contact your local UGA Extension office to find out how our team of county agents can assist you.
Set County Preference
  • Lawn Burrweed
    Lawn Burrweed Control burrweed in your lawn at the beginning of the year to help prevent painful burrs in the summer. Published: 01/17/23
  • Buttercup Control
    Buttercup Control Buttercup is one of the most prolific spring weeds and is easily recognized by its bright, glossy yellow flowers. Published: 05/10/22
  • Winter Garden Prep
    Winter Garden Prep The last weeks of summer are the ideal time to prepare your garden for winter vegetables. Published: 08/12/21